Posts Tagged ‘ lateral movement ’

This Week in Steel

This week I setup the steel challenge stage Outer Limits, its the only stage in the set with movement and the only one we hadn’t done yet. Because you are switching spots on the clock, it is in my opinion the most difficult to do constantly without alot of practice.

My times for the night were

9.85  9.29  8.42  12.55

11.26+m  12.96+m  10.22  9.69+m

Yea it didnt go well for my, and after my first run it went down hill really fast. No idea why but it did make me feel better that others better than me were shooting even worse (miserly loves company right)

Since this stage requires changing positions i should talk about how thats done. At first running with a loaded pistol seems weird (take a video of yourself doing it or watch a friend, its pretty funny) And takes a little while to get used to, practice it at home if you can.

As always, the most important thing is being safe, so always make sure the gun is pointing down range, your finger is off the trigger, and the muzzle of the gun is in front of ALL your body parts.

After safety, the next thing to concentrate on is technique, and I don’t mean how you run, I mean how you stop.  When you move you should time your stop so that your forward foot is in position for shooting, you do not want to have to move it after you get there to get into your shooting stance. To do this, you need to first look at the stage and figure out where you are going to stand, then when you are moving, look at the spot where you want your foot to go (same idea as driving, you go where your eyes point) once your foot has hit its mark your eyes go up to the target and your back foot slides into position, sights get on target and you shoot. All smooth motion, and smooth is fast.

Speed is the third component to movement, and the rule is if you aren’t shooting you are sprinting. movement takes time and you want to minimize it. Because it’s unnatural at first start with a fast walk, then a jog, then move all the way to sprinting.

And here is a video of one of the better shooters at the club shooting outer limits.