Posts Tagged ‘ steel challenge ’

Holy Crap, Long Time No Post

Well… my bad, I’ve been so busy shooting and running matches I totally forgot to post about them! Im still shooting all the same stuff and running steel challenge but my new 9mm minor open gun is almost finished and for the winter my club is shooting “2 gun steel”. My invention, mostly its regular style pistol and shotgun multi gun stages but its all steel and clays because I wasn’t going to deal with paper targets in the very very very rainy weather we have all winter

Here is some video of the matches! I’ll throw up some of my pictures I took later, but video is more interesting anyway.

This was a great 2 day match we did, this is only video from the second day but we had 30 guns a day which was awesome. I even had the guy who runs the blog that got me into steel challenge come up and shoot with us. you can find his blog here . I hope to go down and shoot a couple of matches there in the new year

This was the last steel challenge match of the year, next video will be from some 2 gun shooting matches and hopefully some POV video as well

First Match Done!

So I ran my first steel challenge match on the 2nd and it went pretty well, learnt some lessons for the next one (next month) and i also shot decently, altho i should have done way better on accelerator. But here are the results from the first match.

An Update

I’ve been busy with work and such so writing has gone down hill.

Had another friend shoot my gun, he shot it fine if slight off center, ill have to adjust the sites but he didnt have any of the problems me or the other person who shot my gun had. Makes me think its me again and I’m just going to assume it is me. This means im going to do 3 drills as recomended by . This is a really good site for drills and expertise on pistol shooting and they have a drill for almost everything

Because I dont shoot low with my other friends guns or my other guns, I’m still going to upgrade the m&p trigger in the mean time and maybe that will help me out.

The steel challenge club is going great, a solid dozen people every night at least and everyone is having fun. Lots of very new people coming out to shoot with us and as soon as I get shooting straight then I’ll be back posting my scores every week, till then I’, not shooting steel very much so I can concentrate on shooting drills instead

6″ targets at 15 yards are humbling

Tonight at practice I set up the stage round about. Much harder than last weeks smoke and hope but i was confident I would do well or at least decent.

I did dismally

Because we don’t have proper steel sizes, I made do by setting out our 6″ steel plates, and the farthest ones are at 15 yards. I could not hit them to save my life, i was shooting low over and over and over. Either my trigger pull sucks or I still have a flinch.

Now I’m posting such a bad performance because while a showing like this can just make you want to give up, tomorrow I’m hitting the range again and I’m putting out paper targets to see exactly where I’m shooting. It might not be the fun drills like draws, reloads or double taps, but I’ve isolated a problem and now its time to fix it by shooting slow groups.

A Quick Update

Quick update, shot smoke and hope this week with a great turn out despite the fact it was snowing pretty hard all day long. I got some tips on the weekend from Tim about how my draw was horrible and how to fix it, so in these videos of me you will see that my draw looks slower than usual because im concentrating alot on my technique and less on my speed. Interestingly my draw time ended up being the same as before but alot more consistent simply because I was much fast and stable on my first target. Draw is consistent 1.5 now but hopefully in a month or two ill be down to 1.2. Long post with pictures coming about exactly what I’m doing in my draw now and what I was doing wrong with pictures.

And on to the video

And playing with a broken paint can

This Week in Steel

This week I setup the steel challenge stage Outer Limits, its the only stage in the set with movement and the only one we hadn’t done yet. Because you are switching spots on the clock, it is in my opinion the most difficult to do constantly without alot of practice.

My times for the night were

9.85  9.29  8.42  12.55

11.26+m  12.96+m  10.22  9.69+m

Yea it didnt go well for my, and after my first run it went down hill really fast. No idea why but it did make me feel better that others better than me were shooting even worse (miserly loves company right)

Since this stage requires changing positions i should talk about how thats done. At first running with a loaded pistol seems weird (take a video of yourself doing it or watch a friend, its pretty funny) And takes a little while to get used to, practice it at home if you can.

As always, the most important thing is being safe, so always make sure the gun is pointing down range, your finger is off the trigger, and the muzzle of the gun is in front of ALL your body parts.

After safety, the next thing to concentrate on is technique, and I don’t mean how you run, I mean how you stop.  When you move you should time your stop so that your forward foot is in position for shooting, you do not want to have to move it after you get there to get into your shooting stance. To do this, you need to first look at the stage and figure out where you are going to stand, then when you are moving, look at the spot where you want your foot to go (same idea as driving, you go where your eyes point) once your foot has hit its mark your eyes go up to the target and your back foot slides into position, sights get on target and you shoot. All smooth motion, and smooth is fast.

Speed is the third component to movement, and the rule is if you aren’t shooting you are sprinting. movement takes time and you want to minimize it. Because it’s unnatural at first start with a fast walk, then a jog, then move all the way to sprinting.

And here is a video of one of the better shooters at the club shooting outer limits.

Update/story with more video

spent most of last weeks practice taking video, I ended up shooting 2 runs and shot ok. I finally got my holster (bladetech doh) so my runs actually count as real time now which is nice so I can properly compare them to others. I also need alot of practice on the draws, and a pistol belt is next on my to buy list, I knew I needed one but was hoping one would come up for sale used and save myself some money. No such luck and I really hate how the holster moves with my draw.

Reloading I’ve finally worked all the bugs out, just running into a shortage of brass so I’m actually going to go buy 1000 today and load it up. Nice to have ammo on demand and it shoots reliably through my m&p with 3.3 gr tite group and 147gr berrys with OAL of 1.129

Now the story part

After this video was taken, me and 2 other really good shooters (they trade off having the best scores every week) stayed behind and did a whole ton of draws. This was my fault because my draw is 1.6-1.8 seconds and one of there’s (Tim) is consistently 1.1-1.3. I said this gap was because I wasn’t used to the drop and offset of the holster (the mounting put the gun lower and off your body to get a faster draw) and that it would be alot less if we drew without the D/O and from concealment (ie: wearing a jacket). Luckily our holsters can be reconfigured so we got set up, grabbed a timer and started comparing runs.

Now to explain, the 2 guys who stayed around thought it would make no difference but I knew it would because of a few reasons. One was because i had done so much practice with this draw in alberta that to this day I will still move my coat and do my drawing motion even when I’m going for my keys and Tim had not, I’m not sure he had ever drawn from anything other than his D/O setup. The second thing i had going was that without the D/O my belt wouldn’t twist as much (physics, levers, just trust me on this one) so his pistol belt wouldn’t give him as much of an advantage as he had before. A Third point of advantage would have been that I’m skinny and that means its really easy for me to grip my gun even when its right on my belt, BUT Tim is also skinny so its a moot point.

So as we shot and compared time it because clear that I was right. He was still beating me, but it wasn’t by .5 of a second any more. In fact, the only reason he was any faster than me on the draw was that I always have to pause a second on my draw and line up my sights to the target and he is much better at having his sights on target right away (called indexing). As I work on my skills hopefully that will drop and I will get my draws down to 1.1-1.2 consistently

And finally, The video

Back From SHOT

so I was away all last week at SHOT show in vegas (600 000 sq.ft, 4 day gun show in Vegas with all the prototypes and new stuff), I’m working up a detailed post about my favourite stuff there but since you cant take your own pictures without a media pass (thanks Canadian Reload Radio… oh wait…) so I have to source pictures from other people and that’s taking time.

As usual this week I ran my steel challenge, and while I missed it last week I have been practising my grip at home (remember how I said you need to dryfire alot? I wasn’t kidding), and there has been definite improvement from that that I can see in my scores, I did well on “smoke and hope” and barely missed a shot in all my runs, and here are my runs

4.78   4.83   5.23   5.13   5.07

4.01    3.64   3.90   3.95   4.54

3.63   3.39   6.90   4.49   3.25

Got much better as I warmed up, but ran out of ammo after 3 runs so I wasnt able to see if I kept it going. Speaking of which, I have NO ammo left, so time to start reloading…. this could be interesting.

Practice and Steel

Now that I’m running the steel challenge club at my range that is pretty much all I’m shooting, which suits me just fine because its all under cover and a ton of fun.

I did hit a snag with my gun, everyone was telling me that IPSC was going to drop the minimum trigger pull in production to 4.5# which means I would be fine with my m&p pro, but as it turns out they didnt so my gun isnt a legal IPSC production gun. Now I wasnt really planning on shooting alot of IPSC so that isnt really a huge issue but it would have been nice to have the option. On the plus side, that means I can order some parts and get the trigger pull to sub 3# for steel and IDPA 😀

So far I’ve run 3 practice nights and am now doing them every week. I try and take a ton of video each night and throw it up, some is better than others but this is my latest stuff

Not a big turn out for this last week but that just means more shooting time for me so I cant complain to much.

As for my progress, I was doing so so so so bad (as you can see in the video) but then i took a look at my grip and noticed it was FUBAR. No idea why but as soon as I noticed I made an effort to fix it and my shooting improved remarkably (which I got no video of of course). I’m off to order a holster and mags for the gun so I will have 100% of my gear and start to practice my draws ect. I’ll post up about it when it shows up.

I`ve Been A Bit AWOL

So I`ve been awol lately, my apologies but been busy with life. I have gotten out to shoot and practice and I`ve also started up a steel challenge club at my local range. since it`s winter we are just doing weeknight practice where we set up 1 or 2 stages and shoot them. lots of ammo gets shot and it`s a ton of fun ringing the steel. done for the holidays but will be going again first week of January.

and I haven`t been totally delinquent, I did take and edit some video in between running the nights so here it is.

got a few more posts in the works that will come out in the next week or so, and I got a new gun that isnt a pistol but is very cool that I`ll post about